Friday, April 30, 2010

Next Top Spiritual Author Contest

Aloha Everyone~

Three of my good friends have entered into the Next Top Author contest and need your help.
Can you please take a few minutes to vote for them? You can vote for each one of them, but you can only vote one time for each one.

The cut off date for them is this Monday, May 3rd.

Thank you so much,
Nancy Denise Cunningham Karen McGregor Lauren Plaviak

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Divine Women Writers Tele-Seminar Call

Aloha Ladies of Light and Love~

The first Divine Women Writers Call is being edited and the available for you via this blog site. We want all women to feel inspired to move forward with your book, vision, project or dream after listening to the call.

Anne was doing the recording and editing, so she had to be on the call as part of her service to you. After we hung up she said, "I feel so inspired to write now. I've had little thougths about doing it, but didn't feel ready and now I know that I can do it." She will post her own comments soon. O:)

Thank you Karen and Alex for being a part of it all!

May your books and other writing projects and dreams be mirrored back to you from the Divine Writer Within YOU!

In love and inspiration,

Doreen Virtue Angel Therapy Workshop

Aloha Everyone!

I am thrilled about being able to attend the upcoming Doreen Virtue Angel Therapy Course in Kona, Hawaii June 7-10th.

Up until now, I haven't seen a woman facilitate a workshop from the heart of love, fun, and intution while opening us to the magical mysterious universe like I envision. This event promises to have a lot of fun while being in the woo woo. It's my favorite combination!

If you feel called to join me for this event and would like to swim with the dolphins while you are here, then simply let me know. I can give you all the tips for finding the best rates and places to stay with some advance notice. I have been here for three weeks writing my book and its blowing me away how magical this place is.

In order for us to be in service to you we would need for you to click on the Doreen Virtue banner above on this blog and register for the ATP course. Once you do, then let me know and we will start the party.

As an author, leader, facilitator, for 2 decades, I am thrilled to attend this party and will be looking for other women to join me in the woo woo!

In Divine Love and Miracles,