Thursday, April 29, 2010

Divine Women Writers Tele-Seminar Call

Aloha Ladies of Light and Love~

The first Divine Women Writers Call is being edited and the available for you via this blog site. We want all women to feel inspired to move forward with your book, vision, project or dream after listening to the call.

Anne was doing the recording and editing, so she had to be on the call as part of her service to you. After we hung up she said, "I feel so inspired to write now. I've had little thougths about doing it, but didn't feel ready and now I know that I can do it." She will post her own comments soon. O:)

Thank you Karen and Alex for being a part of it all!

May your books and other writing projects and dreams be mirrored back to you from the Divine Writer Within YOU!

In love and inspiration,

1 comment:

  1. This was such a phenomenal call Nancy! I totally loved the way you and Karen addressed my fears and roadblocks that so many of us encounter. I also appreciated how you broke down the writing process into simplified, do-able and dare I say, enjoyable steps. You both definitely enlightened me to the beauty of writing and how important my Divine Voice is. I'm so thankful for the call and can't wait to hear our next tele-conference coming up on May 6th! Mahalo nui loa (thank you very much)!
