Monday, May 3, 2010

Create Your New Career In the Woo Woo

Aloha Lovies~

Have you been feeling like you're on the verge of a shift in your life work today? Are you spending the majority of your time with people you enjoy being with? Do you have an idea or dream of what you'd rather be doing for work but feel that you need more money in order to live your purpose?

If this sounds familiar to you then welcome to 'The Moment of Truth.' The MOT is a place to be embraced because it's here to let you know that you are ready for a new shift in your focus.
Making small shifts in the moment while reading this email will send your body~mind small energetic vibrations that will open your heart as the vibes ripple out into the Morphgenic Fields of the Universe. These vibes are always working behind the scenes to bring forth your heart's desires. For more about the Morphongenic Fields see Rupert Sheldrake's writings.

These microscopic thread like energy super highways are all moving in different directions sending your feelings of desire into the infinite intelligence of the Universe. It's way bigger than Google. The scientists speak of it as quantum physics, but the power it has is not in our vocabulary, although we do try to give it a name. I simply call it the Woo Woo.

What you may be experiencing right now is what we call 'the contrast.' The contrast come into life experience via your body~mind in the form of emotions, thoughts, feelings and intuition. The contrast will show you the difference between feels good to you through the positive experiences and emotions of love, joy, fun, happiness, bliss and pleasure. This side of the contrast gives your energy.

The other side of the contrast will tell you what feels bad to you in the experience of painful or what we call negative emotions, events and experiences such as anger, frustration, grief, sadness, depression and loneliness. It drains or depletes your energy.

The purpose of the contrast is to show you what events feel good and what doesn't. It also shows who feels good to be with, and who doesn't when you are with them. It's simple. When you feel good, you are living in alignment with your purpose. When you feel bad, you have become misaligned with your true self and your purpose. The sooner you can recognize this, the sooner you will become realigned to the good feelings you crave and desire.

Your intuition is your inner guidance and it's been brilliantly designed specifically and personally for your highest good. The way it works is simple.

When you are connected to your higher self, then you feel good and experience more joy, fun, and pleasure in life. You have more positive emotions, freedom and pleasant outcomes more often in all areas of your life. Your mental, emotional and physical health is at it's best here. Your work is satisfying and the people around you are happy to be in your presence. You have an infinite amount of life force energy, creative insights and inspiration for all of your projects. The simple task of chopping vegetables can feel like a Zen experience. Your food is more flavorful, colorful and alive. You are totally loving and present with your children and can see how they are much wiser than their size.

When you don't feel good you will experience more negative emotions, feel stressed out, unhappy in your career, and relationships. You will find that everyone around you is negative. You will feel like people want to suck you dry. You feel as if all they want is your time, your talents, and your money. Your food may or may not be processed with more fat, sugar, and prepared by fast food stores and chains. You might feel sick and tired of being sick and tired. You may be into medicating yourself in order to cope with life on liefs terms. You look forward to your daily wine at night with cookies, or ice cream, or sex to feel better with. There's nothing wrong with wanting to feel good. We're just pointing out the underlying issue that is still trying to get your attention.

What's important to observe is that it's time for a mini miracle which can shift your awareness from feeling bad to feeling good again. You can try on a new feeling by saying to your higher wiser self, "I am willing to create a new feeling within me, so that I can feel better now." The willingness unlocks the door and opens the gate to a new view. We like to call these new perceptions, Mini Miracles of Love and Grace.

If you are grieving a loss of love, or material things, then grieve and feel the loss fully. If you are depressed, then feel your depression fully. We know that these feelings and experiences are part of your lessons about the contrast. When you are ready to move on then, continue with this process. Your ego will want you to grieve for a long time. Your higher self will want you to know that you can use this experience as personal gift in your life purpose. No one can know what your experience feels like unless they've been through it. It might lead you to a new career or decision that others would miss simply because it wasn't part of their experience.

The moment you acknowledge and appreciate your bodies inner wisdom and guidance you will begin to experience a new feeling. It may be very subtle and slight. Simply breathe. By taking the time to connect and get grounded, you've just taken your inner power back.

When you ignore the messages of your body and say, "I'm too busy to take a breathe right now, I have too much to do. I don't have time." Then the response from your body will become louder. You may try to numb out the sirens that are going off inside of you by 'functioning over' this vital gift of inner wisdom, but it isn't going any where until you stop and listen to what your higher self is trying to communicate to you.

I understand that you are a very busy woman. The world can turn a time or two while you take 2 minutes to breathe. Inhale and exhale on a sigh. You can give the office something to gossip about. They may think you are having sex, but you are just breathing. Remember to laugh as it will help you to breathe too! ;)

Are you pushing down your emotions through addictive, or unconscious behaviors? What would happen if you were able to allow everything that you were feeling to bubble up to the surface? Can you sit with your emotions today? Do you feel if you did, then you would 'lose it?"

What is it that you would lose anyway? Control? Of what? Your mind? Emotions? Tears or snot? A relationship? Money? Your job? Do you feel like you would go insane? We become highly emotional people because we haven't learned the art of allowing our emotions to move through us fully. We you ever called a cry baby or too sensitive or too mean? This is because we haven't been given a safe place to talk about our feelings and to be totally aware of what is happening within our bodies. The truth is that we are being given these emotions as an inner sensory of what feels good and what scares us. Insanity comes from not accepting, listening to, and appreciating our emotionally inner guidance systems. Crying actually releases endorphins and other hormones to make us feel better. We have our own inner pharmacy that helps us if we use it. I've seen women go off of medications when they've grieved fully and then connected with their purpose never to go back on them again.

The biggest fear that we humans fear is to have our love rejected and to be alone. Our greatest desire is to feel loved, accepted and cared for. We want to know our life has made a difference to the people around us,to Mother Earth and beyond. We want to leave a Legacy of good. The only place that will assist us in our visions becoming manifest is through the doors of the Woo Woo. I know, it's a strange and funny sounding term. Yet it fits for me, and for a lot of the women I know. We just look at each other after experiencing miracles, and say, "That was so Woo Woo!"

The way into the magical world of the Woo Woo is directly connected through the process of letting go your addictive behaviors and patterns of trying to please or control, other people, places, or situations that are out side of you. Is it time to let go of trying to be 'perfect' and to
begin the process of living your life for your own highest good? Are you willing to let go of everything that is not in alignment with your purpose and vision, including your family, relationships, and career? Can you allow the fear, scarcity, lack and anxiety be replaced with love, trust and complete expectation that you will be taken care of?
Then perhaps you're ready to tap into the Ultimate Source of Your Inner Power through Self Love and Acceptance. When you can allow other people who you love, to call you Selfish, then you will know that you are making the shift. People don't want your to change. Their ego's want you to stay with them. They are afraid and want you to remain in the fear with them. Once you accept that your loved ones will only allow you to grow to the capacity that they are willing to grow, then you can love them as you take new steps that are meant for you. You may be tempted to stay back with them because it feels safe and familiar. Yet your inner wisdom is saying, "If I stay here, I will die." This is a time of a deeper surrender to the unknown world off the woo woo.

A deeper surrender is when you can become willing to let go of your ego minds controlling and addictive behaviors. This is the place that you will experience heaven on earth. New insights, awareness, and solutions to all of your problems will become available for you the moment you can let go of anger, fear, and frustration. Take your focus off of these painful feelings that your ego wants you to hang onto for dear life, and practice allowing your higher power, and the mystery of the Universe to be the alchemist of transforming pain into power. Feel it, and heal it. The moment you do, the Universe will immediately begin to show up in the most syncronistist ways.

Simply pay attention to how you feel in the moment. This is a practice, not a perfect way of living.

One of my dear beloved sisters wrote this statement in the body of an email that came from her life experience this morning after making a slight mistake. She has been involved in a spiritual growth and recovery process for over 2 decades now.

"When I screw up, I just feel terrible--it's the ego telling me I can never make a mistake and still be accepted or loved. Such errors are my being human and not intended to create pain."

Powerful wisdom. This real life line is about us being able to allow ourselves and other people to make mistakes when we're learning how to do something new. When we miss our desired intention, we can say, "It's OK, let's simply correct and continue as we become a bit wiser in this moment."

Yesterday I wrote about being sweet and gentle with yourself and this is a great example for two women, myself and her, creating the space to make mistakes and to learn from them without adding more shame, blame, anger, guilt or pain onto one another. We don't have a need for that today because we are both practicing to the best of our ability today how to be healthier, more loving, conscious women. She has been one of my greatest teachers in my own processes. We help remind one another when we get off track.

When I am living life in the Woo Woo there is nothing to worry or fret about, no one who needs to be fixed or healed. Everyone is loved and appreciated for being and doing the best that they know how to. I trust that everyone can take care of themselves. It feels like my ego~mind has taken a nap for the moment and I feel pure love and bliss.

The first step to co-creating work that you love is to look at what you've created in your life up until now. Look at how powerful you have been! Next, come back into your body and allow your heart to open into the presence of self love and appreciation. You are a powerful co-creator of your own life! Can you feel the love that is within you? Breathe into your body. Relax your busy mind. Trust in the Universe to bring you what your heart desires to feel in this moment.

Moment of Truth:

You will access or manifest your deepest desires when you are able to feel fully present in this moment. You are creating the feeling experience of being with your desires. Notice how you feel now. That's it. There is nothing else you need to do. When you are in the Woo Woo there is an absence of a 'hook' that your ego would say, 'If 'I do this, then I will get that.' You are inspired by your connection to your own loving thoughts and presence. Everyone around you feels loved and accepted in this moment by you because of your emotional energy and vibration.

Remain detached from the outcome of your desired manifestation. Notice the contrast of how you feel as you return to your breath. By accessing the feelings of love, you activate the Woo Woo which activates then releases the life force chi or prana for your body to assimilate one again. It's always there, humans just turn it off with all the pain and drama that you love so much. In this moment, you've taken the first steps to begin accessing the infinite wisdom of the Universe. It's another dimension of reality that's very, very real. It's always here, yet only accessible for those who Believe in it.

You will search for evidence that it does indeed exist. You will sabotage your ability to enter into the Woo Woo because your society has programmed you to ignore it. Be gentle with yourself. Simply look are what you have already consciously or unconsciously created for your life work. Do you love it with all your heart? If not, are you ready to take the risk of letting go of trying to control the outcome? Can you surrender your addiction to perfection? You're not alone. We have a collective ego in our society and by recognizing it, we can begin to turn off the mainstream media and begin looking outside of the television box to what truly makes us sing our own song.

As synchronicity would have it, I received another email today from a woman who is co-creating the Women Inspiring Women Retreat this June. She wrote some words that felt really good to read. I asked her if I could share them with you because they in alignment with what I'd here in my blog.

"This is a beautiful opportunity of what is flowing from my spirit and my heart. I'll trust that. I will have something meaningful to share that will resonate with the women." Annette

I love how her words felt when they landed within my body-mind. I could feel her heart and it felt good to know that she was one of our fabulous facilitators. She had the absence of her ego. Total trust. She is a very powerful woman and I look forward to co-creating with her.

The thing that you do have total control over is your ability to co-create your life with the Universe. You are the author, writer, screenplay director, producer, and marketer. Everyone in your life has been a part of your co-creation. If you don't like it, then you have the power to re-write your script.

Today's Affirmation ~ As if it has already arrived in the present moment.

I feel excited to be living, working and playing in my new career. I feel happy and joyful looking at my plump bank accounst. I feel a deep gratitude and appreciation for enjoying my life work in this moment. I love co-creating work that is both satisfying and abundantly rewarding. I enjoy the freedom of allowing the spirit of love to help and assist the people that I care about. It feels good in my body to know that all of my needs are being looked after. I love living in and playing with women in the woo woo! Making a difference in women's lives fills my heart up with love. I am the bliss!

Congratulations! You Are Now Living in the Woo Woo!

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