Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tye Lani Beach

Good Morning Lovies~

I find myself needing to deliberately take time out from writing to enjoy the beaches and activities that the island has to offer. Spending time in the water swimming is one of the best ways for me to enjoy the best of both worlds, communing with the ocean's underwater world with my snorkel gear, and expanding my wings to stretch and move energy through my body. I sit for way too many hours and need more energy movement, even while being here in beautiful Hawaii. It's truly heaven on earth.

I was so pleased that the market had my favorite local shrimp broken down into half the amount they usually offer as I can get enough for one person to enjoy for a week. I was waiting for my beloved to arrive before I went shopping again as we could pick out what we wanted together. Yet he's been detained with work and doesn't know when and if he will be able to break free.

I choose to stop off at Tye Lani beach even though it's cloudy. The air is still warm and so is the water. Since its late afternoon people are actually packing up and leaving which is great because I love to be alone. I'm starting to get used to going to places by myself now. I quite welcome it, even though I think of my loved ones quite often.

I set up my chair, beach mat, and snorkel gear then head to the water's edge to survey the waves. It's amazing to see the beach without dozens of the whales in the water slapping their tales like they did in January. I could count off every 14 seconds something would take place with either a slap of a tail, or a breaching whale that would sail into the air and then make a big splash as they landed back onto the hard surface of the water again. The sound of a whale tail slapping the water can be heard echoing across the ocean. They migrate here from the northern waters to mate, give birth to their babies and to enjoy the warm island waters. Even the whales know what feels best to their spirits and that means leaving the cold dark days for sunny warmer ones. :) It's absolutely the most incredible site and sound to experience. This January I will be back to host another Pleasure in Paradise Retreat.

The tide has taken the water out further then I've seen it at this beach over the past few trips. There's a lot more sand on the beach today and I like it! The beaches here are always changing which is similar to a woman's constant change as we ebb and flow with life. Looks like I will be able to see pretty good with my mask on. There are some couples kissing and loving each other up. A dad and his daughter build a sand castle while the mother sits in her chair smoking her cigarettes and sipping on her bottle of beer and tequila. I remember the last time I took shots of tequila and totaled our VW bug. This isn't a warm and fuzzy feeling or memory so I grab my gear and get into the water.

Ahh, this is what I live for! The warm soft silky water of the mother caressing and holding me in her bosom of love. I feel so light and free as I take a deep breath and dive underneath the water to see what I might find there. I swim towards the lava laden point where I know I'll find some interesting fish and maybe a turtle or something new to me. The sea floor has a beautiful white sandy bottom that feels so good to look at. It feels like I'm in a movie. Pure bliss! As I get closer to the lava, I see big boulders of lava that look completely out of place. They're about 15 feet in diameter and have unique formations and sizes that are like footprints in the sea.

They have different colors and varieties of corals that appear to be illuminated from within. Sea Urchins have claimed these volcanic pieces of rocks to be their home and they look like they've been there for a long time from their size. The rocks have unique colors from the sea life that's growing on them. I think of all the living organisms as a color chart of browns, reds, yellow, and gold glistening and alive.

I dive down for a closer look and am surprised to see a large eel poking his head out from the puka in the rock. I think I startled him because he slid back in quickly. Then I realized that it's like looking at the head of a 4 inch wide snake and decide to let him be. I'm not sure if they become aggressive and territorial about their caves or not, but decide to find something else to look at.

Then I am startled by some large tropical fish that are about 2 feet long! They're almost translucent with hints of blue on them so they can blend in with the sand carpeting with ease. As I get closer to the lava point the water become murky and a bit colder, so I quickly decide to stay in the experience of pleasure and head back to this underwater sanctuary of beauty and bliss. I am in such awe and gratitude for the beauty of mother earth once again. Alone, in the ocean, but surrounded by sea critters and friends.

When I come out of the water I am slow to stand up and to find my land legs again. I notice that my skin has a brown tone to it against the white sandy beach. I like that color on me. It's what I desire my color to be all of the time. I pick up the lava lave that Anne bought me and lightly touch my face with it. My eye catches the pair of beaded bracelets sitting on my beach mat that I made at the PIP Retreat in Jan. The first bracelet has soft pink beads with the word 'Inspire' on it. The other is the same kind of beads but more of a rose color with the word 'Pleasure' on it.

Inspire Pleasure. That's my purpose in working with women. Over the last two decades as I've grown and expanded myself into the woman I am today, I realize that living a life of pleasure and joy takes practice and commitment on a daily basis. It doesn't take any more energy to focus on feeling good and positive and experience the good that life has to offer me no matter where I'm at. It actually takes less energy and creates more life force within me when I do take the time to focus on what brings me more pleasure today. In homeopathic medicine we know that 'like' attracts' 'like' and so we know this formula to be true in all areas of life. Who I spend our time and energy with will affect how I feel and what new experiences and opportunities I will discover along the path of life. Pleasure feels good to me. In this moment I've transcended all pain in my neck and body for the experience of a deeper bliss. Just me and Mother Nature communing as one.

The sun is just about to set and it has a Saturn look to it as two thin clouds form in front of it as if they actually wrap around the sun. It's gorgeous. I knew that even though the sky is cloudy, that when it's time for the sun to set, there is a gap on the horizon that allows us to witness the beauty of a brilliant sunset.

I am now the only person left standing on the beach while allowing the gentle tale end of the waves to lap up against my pretty painted toenails. This is the first time that I've been on this beach at sunset. It's a dream that I am once again feeling a part of co-creating the moment in. Can I just stay here? I want to keep my toes in the water and sand for a bit longer. I decided to do some editing on the hard copy of my book.

It's now dusk and I am thinking, this is so cool, but I had better start heading to my car now. Just then I heard a voice, not that voice, a man's voice and he says, "Excuse me ma'am, we need to lock up the gate now." Now I know why I was the only one left on the beach! I've read the sign that reads, 'Gate is locked up at dusk' - many times and I'd forgotten all about it. Thank goodness I was able to stay present in the moment and fully enjoy my experience without fretting about having to leave at a certain time. I quickly make my apologies and gather up my things to depart my beloved dream. I'm wondering if this is where I am going to bring Sonja on Friday for her day off for some beach time. She hasn't seen many beaches yet. When I get to my car I find a text from her saying that she'd love to go to the beach with me. Once again, we've co-created a new experience that we'll be sharing together. This is so much fun!

There was a message from my beloved letting me know that he wanted to say good night to me. His voice is so deep and gentle. I can feel his love coming through the phone and I press the number 8 to save it for later listening before I go to sleep. We are on a 3 hour time difference, so I won't be calling him back tonight. Sweet Dreams My Love.

In divine pleasure and deep bliss,


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