Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Wonderful World of Women in Community

Aloha Lovies~

My fun loving multi-fabulous friend, Andrea MacLeod, has invited me back to her radio show for another round of fun and mutual admiration. We've both been in a fantastic community of women together for almost 15 years now. Before I entered the Family of Women, I had very brief relationships with women and I really didn't connect or understand the whole female bonding thing. Up until 20 years ago, the only way I bonded with women was at bars, or at 2am when everyone had gone home and we were higher than kites.

That all changed for me in a big way that I wouldn't change what I have today for anything. Nothing is more valuable to me than having a healthy community of vibrant, fun, and adventurous women to play with. We're all very different in many ways. Our spiritual beliefs vary, and many of my friends enjoy sharing wine, while the other half of us can't drink it or crazy things will begin to take place that we will live to regret.

We're all sizes, shapes, and colors. Some of us are single, widowed, divorced or married. Not everyone has children, or a college degree. There are women in our community who live on boats, in estates and homes with million dollar views, and others are co-sharing rooms with family. Yet, all of us come together for a purpose that sings to our souls, and brings us tremendous joy. We share our desire to be in a community of women who share our love of life, relationships, community, and passions. Many of us spend a great deal of time and energy co-creating projects that will offer more women an opportunity to sit in fun loving circles of women.

We know that everything in our lives move along much better when we have a grounded, mature, and wise woman to bounce our daily stuff off of. We have learned that life without our community of women creates more problems and less happiness. We like feeling good and want to experience those good feelings every day. We believe in the power of community to assist and guide back to our higher minds when we feel beaten down into the feelings that don't feel so good such as depression, anger, sadness, grief, and despair.

Our community of women is a global community where we bond through conference calls that have us feeling like we just had tea face to face when we are in different time zones completely. When we feel sad, or blue, we know we'll feel better when we pick up the phone and call our friends. We all have someone that we can call, and we know how to dial the phone. When two or more women gather together in the spirit of love and compassion, with a splash of higher purpose, miracles and shifts in our emotions happens. Usually right away. It's faster than taking an anti-depressant. The truth is that most of our women don't need to take anti-depressants because we live in a higher purpose.

Knowing what your purpose is in this moment is the most important thing we can know. It keeps the mind off of the small stuff, and everything is small stuff. We lift our thoughts, feelings and energy when we're together and we sure know how to have fun!

Another thing that we know is that our relationships all seem to be much better when we don't spend every day with our beloveds. Mature wise women who've been around the block with long term marriages understand that if we want to stay young at heart, and keep the love and passion alive in our relationships, we need to go away frequently. Going away might be that you go into a special part of the house that is for women only, or a sanctuary just for you to enjoy listening to your music, writing your poetry, or singing your song. Going away can mean that you leave the house one or two nights a week to join a circle of women, or going onto a conference call. Then there are those of us who get into cars and drive for many different distances to be with the women they enjoy most.

I'm a distance driver and have been since 1996. Driving 2 hours for me is like taking a trip to the grocery store. Our minivan had the nick name, Higher Purpose Mobile for many years as I volunteered in Canada and California for women's events. Now I fly to Arizona and Hawaii when I'm not in Canada or Washington. Life is a beach in my mind so I tend to attract water wherever I go. Women who have homes near bays or oceans and lakes seem to pop up whenever we need them.

We share in food, laughter, bowls of whipped cream, chocolate, massages, and many Woo Woo moments together. There isn't anything we wouldn't do for our loving friends and sometimes we attend their funerals and bid them a fond farewell. We watch the children grow up, get married, find jobs, mates and have their own kids and adopt puppies. We love our kids and keep them as close to our hearts as we possibly can without smothering and mothering them out of our lives. We strive to love deeply, and listen carefully to the words that she is saying in her pain, joy and celebrations.

One of our mantras is I am She and She is Me. When we are scared, we do our best to quickly come back into our hearts and connect with the earth that grounds us. Sometimes we forget that there is a powerful force and energy working with us, and to let go of the oars and stop rowing. We know that whatever we resist will persist. So, again, we turn to the power and presence of love. Or we turn away from the energy that is trying to grip us back into our ego minds. We know the danger of staying there. Our egos love to create separation and problems through fear. We've learned that the ego mind unchecked will literally kill off relationships. When we are in low self esteem, we are in our ego mind. We would much rather dance back into the moment and feel the radiant love that we all want to share.

We accept our calling to be the healers and visionaries of light to the next generation. We've walked on hot coals, climbed mountains, stayed up all night, and worked in hot kitchens so that one woman might get to experience the love that we share. We've cleared the path for women to find the candle lit windows of hope and love open with one more chair with her name on it. When the woman is ready the way will become clear. We are the Spirit Keepers, the Dream Weavers, the Sacred Hearts and Northern Hearts.

Together we've built bridges and stitched our banners with the tree of life at the center of the globe and placed all of the women in the form of dolls onto the wall hanging for women to see that we do believe in this impossible vision. We have transmuted our pain into passion and our desires into games like an alchemist turn led into gold.

We know where the source of our power is and we want to share it with those who want the same. We have a magic wand, and might have once been called witches, or bitches, but we look like ordinary women in the grocery store. The difference is the way we light up a room when we enter it. We have an inner and outer glow that doesn't come from our makeup or clothes that we wear. It comes from being connected to a community of loving women.

We've given up trying to control people, places and situations that have nothing to do with us. Which we find is most of what we watch other people do. A controlling woman is a woman who is in her fear. We can open the door, but we don't push. We invite, but then we let go. We know that the law of attraction is what brings us together when we are ready to trust other women.

We call ourselves No Problem Women because we no longer dance to the beat of high drama and problems. We enjoy having fun, dancing, and sharing smiles and joy with the women we meet and play with. We love our community of women and look forward to every step we take together, hand in hand, no matter where we grow.

Women like Miracle Myra, Andrea, Anne, Kelly, DeAnn, Lydia, Annette, Karen, and countless other women offer our hand and welcome you to join us for a day or for a lifetime. We want all women to feel loved, connected and the joy of having this place that we call, heaven on earth.

Together we glide through our lives with effortless ease and grace, oh, I mean, that is, when we're not working long hours until 2:00 am writing books, blogs, agendas, invitations, fliers, posting events and creating more magical moments so that we can spend more time being with and loving you!

In gratitude and love for being a multi-fabulous woman with YOU!


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